12 Mart 2025
21YYTE.ORG Fikir Tankı "France is the last defender of Africa," says Gadio

"France is the last defender of Africa," says Gadio

1 Dakika

Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, former Senegalese Foreign Minister and the President of Pan-African Institute of Strategy (IPS), evaluated France's recent re-engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa on an interview with Radio France Internationale.


Gadio argued that Africa should be able to create its own solutions if the region is to achieve sustainable conflict management mechanisms. He pointed to the reluctance of many European Union countries "who do not want to hear about interventions and financial contributions in Africa," and said that " France is perhaps the last fighter, and will soon reach the same conclusion."(Kaynak: rfi)


Although recent French deployments in conflict zones such as Mali and the establishment of MINUSMA had been seen as a Western re-engagement in international peacekeeping and conflict management, France seems to be far away from gathering the same support for its newly self-proclaimed mission in Central Africa.


As Gadio pointed out in his interview, many Africans also do not find French interventions in Sub-Saharan Africa politically acceptable, as France historically maintained a colonial presence in the region.

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